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欢迎您访问 天津旺荣国际贸易有限公司
"We,TIANJIN FLOURISH INT'L INC. are looking for buyer.We are comprehensive corporation both excellent in manufacture and international trading.We are leading supplier in china . we can supply all specification of sodium sulphide. As following:
Sodium sulphide red flakes 1500PPM Na2S(%) 60.0Min Na2CO3(%) 5.0Max Water Insoluble(%) 0.4max Fe(%) 0.15max
Sodium sulphide yellow flakes low iron 150PPM Na2S(%) 60.0Min Na2CO3(%) 2.0 or 3.0Max . Water Insoluble(%) 0.2max Fe(%) 0.015max
50PPM/30PPM Na2S(%) 60.0 Na2CO3(%) 2.0Max Water Insoluble(%) 0.2max Fe(%) 0.005max 0.003max
10 or 20PPM Na2S(%) 60.0Min Na2CO3(%) 2.0Max Water Insoluble(%) 0.2max Fe(%) 0.001 or 0.002max If you need, plesse contact us.We should be grateful for your furnishing us details of your requirements.We assure you of our best serrices at all times. "
电话:86-022-88301081 传真86-022-88301085